Rockland ChapterEvents View the latest events from this chapter.Welcome to the web page of the Rockland Chapter of the New York State Society for Clinical Social Work, Inc. The Rockland Chapter covers Rockland County. The Rockland Chapter Board convenes Sundays once month, September thru May at St. Thomas Aquinas College, in Sparkill, NY. We offer a variety of CEU programs and non-CEU educational presentations (which are free of charge) to members. Students are welcome to attend any of our programs free of charge. Our monthly gatherings are a great place to network, job hunt, make professional announcements/ requests and enjoy a relaxing Sunday with your professional colleagues. All our meetings offer morning coffee and lunch during programs. The Rockland Board also meets on a regular basis prior to our presentations to work toward the goals of attracting new members, being fiscally sounds, being on top of current events in the field, and developing new programs. You may check the Rockland Chapter Calendar for information about our upcoming educational programs and other activities. We always welcome new Board Members. The Rockland Chapter has an Education Committee, Legislative Committee, Membership Committee, Mentorship Committee and a Website Committee. If you have any questions about a committee or wish to join a committee, you may contact the committee’s chairperson listed below or Orsolya Clifford, LCSW-R President of Rockland Chapter. Contact the ChapterPresident: Past President: Treasurer: Chapter Historian: Chapter Committees Education CommitteeThe Education Committee plans, coordinates, and implements the Chapter’s program of monthly educational events. Periodically, the Chapter offers CEU courses (continuing education units) approved by the NY State Board of Education (a registration fee for attendance is required). Other non-CEU events offered include clinical workshops, networking opportunities, lunch, and book and film discussions; these are free for all NYSSCSW members and students – nonmembers may attend with a nominal fee. For further information about the Education programming or to volunteer to serve on the committee, kindly contact the education chair. Kevin Melendy, LCSW State Legislative CommitteeThe Legislative Committee discusses legislative issues and works closely with the Society’s Legislative Committee to help implement the Society’s legislative agenda. The chairperson of the Legislative Committee is a member of the Society’s Legislative Committee, which organizes all of the Society’s legislative activities. For further information about the Legislative Committee or to volunteer to serve on this committee, you may contact the committee chairperson. Beth Pagano, MSW, LCSW Website CommitteeThe Website Committee makes sure that the Society’s website remains current and responsive to the needs of the Society. Each chapter has a chapter website coordinator who is a member of the Society’s Website Committee and is responsible to enter their chapter’s news and events onto their chapter’s web page on the Society website. The website coordinator also serves as listserv moderator. The listserv is an email-based communication service, allowing members to communicate directly with one another by email. The listserv plays an important role within the chapter with regard to members looking to refer cases, find or list office space for rent, share information on managed care and insurance issues and discuss current matters of concern to members. To join the chapter’s listserv, or if you have any chapter news or events to be placed on the Rockland Chapter Society web page, contact [email protected]